Ginsburg, Jason. 2024. Constraining Free Merge. Biolinguistics 18, Article e14015. 1-60. DOI:
Online Appendix
Fong, Sandiway, Ginsburg, Jason, Matsumoto, Masumi, & Hiroshi Terada. 5/26/2024. Reconciling serial verbs with Labeling and Theta Theory. Poster presented at The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 17th International Spring Forum 2024. Kyoto University: Kyoto, Japan.
Ginsburg, Jason, & Hiroshi Terada. 2024. コピー形成と自由併合:英語と日本語のコントロール構文を例に (Accounting for English and Japanese Control Constructions with FormCopy and Free Merge) 日本英文学会第96回大会 Proceedings (Proceedings of The 96th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan).
Fong, Sandiway & Jason Ginsburg. 2023. On the computational modeling of English relative clauses. Open Linguistics. 9: 1-35. DOI: (Note: Please see the pdf version. Portions of the HTML version do not display correctly.)
Fong, Sandiway, Ginsburg, Jason, Matsumoto, Masumi, & Hiroshi Terada. 2023. The Strong Minimalist Thesis (SMT): Form Copy (FC) and the serial verb construction (SVC). In Japanese/Korean Linguistics Volume 30, ed. by Sara Williamson, Adeola Aminat Babayode-Lawal, Laurens Bosman, Nicole Chan, Sylvia Cho, Ivan Fong, and Kaye Holubowsky. 411-422. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2022. Constraining free Merge: Labeling and the theta-criterion. In Proceedings of The Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCole) Kanazawa, Japan 2022, ed by Andrea Ravignani et al. 237-244.
Ginsburg, Jason, Terada, Hiroshi, and Sandiway Fong. 2022. On the selection of clausal complements in a Minimalist framework. Memoirs of Osaka Kyoiku University, Humanities and Social Science, Natural Sciences 70: 109-120.
Ginsburg, Jason. 12/8/2019. Labeling of non-finite clauses. Presented at The 14th Annual Meeting of the Kansai Branch of the English Literary Society of Japan . Nara Women's University.(日本英文学会関西支部第14回大会、奈良女子大学)
Ginsburg, Jason & Sandiway Fong. 2019. Combining linguistic theories in a Minimalist Machine (Draft). Minimalist Parsing, ed. by Bob Berwick and Ed Stabler, 39-68. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Fong, Sandiway, Berwick, Robert & Jason Ginsburg. 5/26/2019. The combinatorics of Merge and Workspace right-sizing. Presented at Evolinguistics Workshop 2019. University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan.
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 6/10/2018. On constraining Free Merge. Presented at The 43rd Meeting of the Kansai Linguistic Society. Konan University: Kobe, Japan.
Ginsburg, Jason, Fong, Sandiway & Hiroshi Terada. 2018. Japanese internally headed relative clauses and relabeling. In Proceedings of The 13th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL 13), ed by Céleste Guillemot, Tomoyuki Yoshida, and Seunghum J. Lee. 319-324. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #88.
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 4/24/2017. A relabeling analysis of English possessives. Presented at The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 10th International Spring Forum 2017. Meiji Gakuin University: Tokyo, Japan.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2016. Modeling of Problems of Projection: A non-countercyclic approach. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 1(1): 7. 1-46. DOI:
Ginsburg, Jason & Naomi Ogasawara. 2/18/2016. A labeling-based account of Japanese imperatives. Poster presented at Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics 8, Mie University: Tsu, Mie, Japan
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 2014. A new approach to tough-constructions. In Proceedings of the
31st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 31), ed. by
Robert E. Santana-LaBarge. 180-188. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 2014. Stack-Based Agree. Presented at The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 7th International Spring Forum 2014. Doshisha University: Kyoto, Japan.
Ginsburg, Jason, Kaneko, Emiko, Ogasawara, Naomi, and Ian Wilson. 11/23/2013. 会津方言の疑問文に於けるイントネーションと終助詞の関係 (The relationship between intonation and final particles in the Aizu dialect). 日本言語学会147回大会 (The 147th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). 神戸市外国語大学 (Kobe City University of Foreign Studies: Kobe, Japan).
Ginsburg, Jason, Kaneko, Emiko, Ogasawara, Naomi, and Ian Wilson. 5/31/2013. 会津方言の疑問文の音声特徴 (Phonetic features of Interrogatives in Aizu Area Dialects). 日本方言研究会 第96回研究発表会 (The 96th meeting of the Dialectological Circle of Japan). 大阪樟蔭女子大学 (Osaka Shoin Women's University: Osaka, Japan).
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 2012. Modeling of coreference
relations in multi-object constructions. In Proceedings of the
13th Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics (TCP 2012)., ed. by
Yukio Otsu, 61-80. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo Publishing.
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 2012. Computation with doubling
constituents: Pronouns and antecedents in Phase Theory. In
Towards a Biolinguistic understanding of grammar: Essays on
interfaces, ed. by Anna Maria Di Sciullo, 303-338. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    See BindingExamples for a Minimalist Program Grammar Implementation of the examples in this paper (joint work with Sandiway Fong).
Ginsburg, Jason. 2012. A Wikipedia-based corpus reference tool. In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments, HCCE 2012, ed. by Vitaly Klyuev & Alexander Vazhenin. University of Aizu: Aizuwakamatsu, Japan. 1-7. New York: ACM.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2012. Automatic generation of English lesson materials for native speakers of Japanese. In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Human-Centered Computer Environments, HCCE 2012, ed. by Vitaly Klyuev & Alexander Vazhenin. University of Aizu: Aizuwakamatsu, Japan. 14-18. New York: ACM.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2011. A Wikipedia-based English-Language Reference and Teaching Tool. In Proceedings of the ACM Chapter Conference on Elearning and Technical Documentation.
Ginsburg, Jason and Sandiway Fong. 2011. A Phase Theoretic Account of Coreference Relations in Picture DPs. In LSA Annual Meeting extended abstracts.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2010. A computational model of language generation applied to English wh-questions. In Proceedings of the 2010 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ed. by Aboul Ella Hasannien, Ajith Abraham, Francesco Marcelloni, Hani Hagras, Michela Antonelli & Tzung-Pei Hong. 1077-1082. IEEE.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2010. A computational model of language generation applied to Japanese wh-questions. In Proceedings of The 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 24), ed. by Ryo Otoguro, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Hiroshi Umemoto, Kei Yoshimoto & Yasunari Harada. 133-142. Tokyo, Japan: Institute for Digital Enhancement of Cognitive Development, Waseda University.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2010. Last resort movement in wh-questions. In Proceedings of the 12th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar: Movement in Minimalism, ed. by Duk-Ho An & Soo-Yeon Kim. 179-194. Seoul: Hankuk Publishing Co.
Ginsburg. Jason. 2010. A Phase Theory-based computational model of sentence generation. In IECE Technical Report: Thought and Language August 5-6, 2010. 93-98. Tokyo: Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2010. Qu-morpheme positional variation in Sinhala yes/no constructions. In Proceedings of the 2010 Seoul International Conference on Linguistics (SICOL-2010): Universal Grammar and Individual Languages, ed. by Yong-Se Kang, Jiun-Shiung Wu, Dong-Hu Choi, Jong-Yurl Yoon, Seongha Rhee, Kee-Ho Kim, Jongseon Hong, Kyoung-Ae Kim, and Hye-Kyung Kang. Seoul: South Korea: Hankookmunhwasa.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2009. Interrogative Features. PhD dissertation, University of Arizona.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2009. Intervention effect asymmetry and the EPP. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on East Asian Linguistics, ed. by David Potter and Dennis Ryan Storoshenko. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Simon Fraser University Working Papers in Linguistics.
Sato, Yosuke, and Jason Ginsburg. 2007. A new type of nominal ellipsis in Japanese: Further evidence for the LF Copy analysis. In Proceedings of the 4th Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics, ed. by Yoichi Miyamoto and Masao Ochi. 197-204. Cambridge, MA: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
Ginsburg, Jason, and Sandiway Fong. 2007. Modeling Q-feature movement in Japanese. In Coyote Papers: Working Papers in Linguistics, Linguistic Theory at the University of Arizona Volume 15, ed. by Jordan Brewer, Polly O'Rourke, and Peter Richtsmeier. 18-39. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Linguistics Circle.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2006. Q-feature movement in single and multiple wh-questions in Japanese. In Proceedings of the 8th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar: Minimalist Views on Language Design, 61-77. Seoul: The Korean Generative Grammar Circle.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2012. Review of "Rooryck, Johan and Guido Vanden Wyngaerd. 2011. Dissolving Binding Theory. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press." LINGUIST List 22.2098.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2012. Review of "Stroik, Thomas S. 2009. Locality in Minimalist Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press." Canadian Journal of Linguistics 57. 156-159.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2011. Review of "Panagiotidis, E. Phoevos (Ed.). 2010. The complementizer phase: Subjects and operators. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press." LINGUIST List 22.2098.
Ginsburg, Jason. 2010. Review of "Richards, Norvin. 2010. Uttering trees. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press." LINGUIST List 21.4014.