ka no Other |
Count 3 1 4 |
ka Other |
Count 2 4 |
ka ga be Other |
Count 1 1 1 0 |
no-ya be Other |
Count 1 1 1 |
ka be Other |
Count 1 1 1 |
no-ya ga be Other |
Count 1 1 1 0 |
be Other |
Count 1 0 |
Target: お爺さんはご朝飯を食べたよ。 ojisan-wa asa-gohan-o tabeta yo grandpa-Top breakfast-Acc ate Emph 'Grandpa ate breakfast.' |
Elicited: 今朝爺様まんま食ったぞ。 kesa jisama manma kuta zo this-morning grandpa breakfast ate Emph 'Grandpa ate breakfast this morning.' |
Type: Statement Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Target: 何か見える。 nanika mieru something can-see 'I can see something.' |
Elicited: なにかあそこのとこ見っぞ。 nanika asoko-no-toko mi zo something there-Gen-place see Emph 'I can see something over there.' |
Type: Statement Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Target: 何か見える? nanika mieru something see 'Can you see something?' |
Elicited: なにが見っぞあれ? naniga mi zo are something see Q that 'Can you see something?' |
Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Target: 何が見える? nani-ga mieru what-Nom can-see 'What can you see?' |
Elicited: なんだべ? nan da be what be Q 'What is that?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Rising WhP Intonation: Peak Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: 机の上にテレビ置いているのか? tsukue-no-ue-ni terebi oiteiru no-ka desk-Gen-top-Dat TV put Q 'Is there a TV on the desk?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: これは別に関係ねいか? kore-wa betsu-ni kankei nei ka this-Top particularly-Dat relevant not Q 'Is this relevant?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: 俺ほうもあっぞ。 ore ho mo a zo I here also be Emph 'I have the same thing here.' |
Natural Data Type: Statement Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: 勉強机ではねいだべな。 benkyo-zukue de-wa-nei da-be-na study-desk not right 'It's not a study-desk, right?' |
Natural Data Type: Rhetorical Question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: 勉強机ねいか? benkyo-zukue nei ka study-desk not Q `Is a study-desk there?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question(?) Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Elicited: おら家は窓ねいぞ。 ora ie-wa mado nei zo my house-Top window not Emph `There's now window in my place.' |
Natural Data Type: Statement Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 11/23/2012 |
Target: お爺さんは本を読んだよ。 ojisan-wa hon-o yonda yo grandpa-Top book-Acc read Emph 'Grandpa read a book' |
Elicited: 爺ちゃんなんだ、本なの読んでっぞ。 jichan nan-da, hon na-no yonde zo grandpa Emph book Emph reading Emph 'Grandpa is reading a book' |
Type: Statement Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: お爺さんは本を読んだの? ojisan-wa hon-o yonda no grandpa-Top book-Acc read Q 'Did grandpa read a book?' |
Elicited: 爺さん本読んだの? jisan hon yonda no grandpa-Top ? book-Acc read Q(?) 'Did grandpa read a book?' |
Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 何か見える(よ)。 nanika mieru yo something can-see Emph 'I can see something.' |
Elicited: 何が見ーぞ、あら。 naniga mi zo ara something see Emph Emph 'I can see something.' |
Type: Statement Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 何か見える? nanika mieru something see 'Can you see something?' |
Elicited: 何がめーんのか? naniga me nno-ka something see Q 'Can you see something?' |
Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 何が見える? nani-ga mieru what-Nom can-see 'What can you see?' |
Target: 何が見ーんのか? nani-ga mi nno-ka what-Nom can-see Q 'What can you see?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Falling WhP Intonation: Peak Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 遠くに猿が見える(よ)。 toku-ni saru-ga mieru yo far-Dat monkey-Nom can-see Emph 'I can see a monkey far over there.' |
Elicited: 遠ぐに猿見えじゃねいのあれ。 togu-ni saru mie ja-nei no-are far-Dat monkey can-see not Gen-that 'I can see a monkey far over there, right.' |
Type: Statement(?) Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 遠くに猿が見える? toku-ni saru-ga mieru far-Dat monkey-Nom can-see 'Can you see a monkey far over there?' |
Elicited: 遠くに猿見ーる? toku-ni saru miru far-Dat monkey can-se 'Can you see a monkey far over there?' |
Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: 遠くに何が見える? toku-ni nani-ga mieru far-Dat what-Nom can-see 'What can you see far over there?' |
Elicited: 遠ぐに何がみーっか? togu-ni nani-ga mi ka far-Dat what-Nom can-see Q 'What can you see far over there?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Rising WhP Intonation: Peak Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: お爺さんが何かを台所で食べたよ。 ojisan-ga nanika-o daidokoro-de tabeta yo grandpa-Nom something-Acc kitchen-Loc ate Emph 'Grandpa ate something in the kitchen.' |
Elicited: 爺様な、なにがながしで食っていたぞ。 jisama na naniga nagashi-de kuteita zo grandpa Emph something kitchen-Loc ate Emph 'Grandpa ate something in the kitchen.' |
Type: Statement Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: お爺さんは何を台所で食べたの? ojisan-wa nani-o daidokoro-de tabeta no grandpa-Nom what-Acc kitchen-Loc ate Q 'What did grandpa eat in the kitchen?' |
Elicited: 爺様ながしで何食ってたらべ? jisama nagashi-de nani kutetara be grandpa kitchen-Loc what ate Q 'What did grandpa eat in the kitchen?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Falling WhP Intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: あの晩(ゆうべ)お婆さんは台所で何を食べたの? ano ban (yube) obasan-wa daidokoro-de nani-o tabeta no that evening (evening) grandma-Top kitchen-Loc what-Acc ate Q 'That evening, what did grandma eat in the kitchen?' |
Elicited: ゆうべな婆様やながしで何食べたが? yube na basama ya nagashi-de nani tabeta ga that evening Emph grandma Emph kitchen-Loc what ate Q 'That evening, what did grandma eat in the kitchen?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Rising(?) WhP Intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: あの晩(ゆうべ)誰が台所で何を食べたの? ano ban (yube) dare-ga daidokoro-de nani-o tabeta no that evening (evening) who-Nom kitchen-Loc what-Acc ate Q 'That evening, who ate what in the kitchen?' |
Elicited: ゆんべ誰がながしで何食ったらべ? yunbe dare-ga nagashi-de nani kutara be that evenin who-Nom kitchen-Loc what ate Q 'That evening, who ate what in the kitchen?' |
Type: Multiple wh-question Final intonation: Falling WhP1 Intonation: Peak (Higher) WhP2 Intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Target: あの晩(ゆうべ)お婆さんはいろりばたで何を飲んだの? ano ban (yube) obasan-wa iroribata-de nani-o nonda no that evening (evening) grandma-Top hearth-Loc what-Acc drank Q 'That evening, what did grandma drink at the hearth?' |
Elicited: ゆうべ婆様やゆるいで何飲んでたのや? yube basama ya yurui-de nani nondeta no-ya evening grandma Emph hearth-Loc what drank Q 'That evening, what did grandma drink at the hearth?' |
Type: Single wh-question Final intonation: Falling WhP Intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: ちょうちんみ三つあっか ? chochin mitsu a ka lamps three be Q 'Do you have three lamps?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: あの太鼓にやバチある? ano taiko-ni ya bachi aru that drum-Dat Emph sticks be 'Are there sticks on/near the drum?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: 女の子やあのリボンつけている? onna-no-ko ya ano ribon tsuketeiru girl Emph um ribbon wearing 'Is the girl wearing a ribbon?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: 女の子や、手あれだべ、手くんであのいか? onna-no-ko ya te are da-be, te kunde ano i ka girl Emph hand that Q(?) hands folded um be Q 'Is the girl folding her hands?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: あのや、男の子な、あの、手にあれだがしゅらいでっか、握てっか? ano ya otoko-no-ko na ano te-ni are da-ga shuraide ka nigite ka um hey boy Emph um hand-Dat that but ? Q clenching Q 'Hey, that boy, his hands, is he ?, is he ?ing it, is he clenching it?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: 先のちょうちんの話をしたべ ? saki-no chochin-no-hanashi-o shita be before-Gen lantern-Gen-talk-Acc did Q 'I just asked about he lantern, right?' |
Natural Data Type: Rhetorical question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: たいごはあるだべ? taigo-wa aru da-be drum-Top be Q 'There's a drum, right?' |
Natural Data Type: Rhetorical question Final intonation: Rising Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: そして女の子な、??はなのやポイントーのがらみたいなのあっか? ????? ???? Q '?????' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |
Elicited: そしてあれがあのたいごにあれあっか、あの? soshite are-ga ano taigo-ni are a ka ano then that-Nom that drum-Dat that be Q um 'Is something on the drum?' |
Natural Data Type: Yes/no question Final intonation: Falling Location: Showamura/昭和村 Subject #: 25 Age: 78 Sex: Female Date: 2/22/2013 |